Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 24 Plan

Day 24:

We made it!!

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Sculpt

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake

(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Deviled Eggs and leftover Rosemary Chicken

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible


Went out with friends.....
Caesar Salad and Chicken with Green Beans

Spark and Catalyst
For that last few days I haven't even needed a second Spark, feeling great:)

Snack 2:
Oatmeal Cookies

Celery and Rice crackers with Hummus
(trying to switch back off night shifts so heading to bed early, no big dinner)

Let us know how Day 24went for you.

Ready to start your Challenge?

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