Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 21 Plan

Day 21:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Rest Day

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake

(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Apple and Almond Butter

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible


Chicken and Avocado Salad2 TBSP olive oil
1 TBSP lemon juice
½ tsp dried thyme leaves
¼ tsp mustard
Pinch of garlic powder
½ of a ripe avocado
2 cups chopped chicken (you can use canned, low sodium white meat chicken)
1 stalk celery, chopped
Combine the first 5 ingredients in a salad bowl and whisk together with a fork until emulsified. Slice avocado into small chunks and gently stir into dressing to coat. Stir in chicken and celery into avocado mixture and serve. Enjoy on 1 slice of Whole Wheat Bread, in a Whole Wheat Tortilla, or over a bed of salad greens. (make a wrap with Romaine lettuce)
(Advocare Cookbook)

Spark and Catalyst
For that last few days I haven't even needed a second Spark, feeling great:)

Snack 2:
Advocare Raw Bar

Green Salad and Rotisserie Chicken

Let us know how Day 21 went for you.

Ready to start your Challenge?

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