Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Few Tips

Here are a few things I consider must haves for a 10 Day Cleanse and the entire Challenge.
  • A food scale-Although we are not tracking calories it's a great way to learn what healthy portions are.
  • A shaker bottle-Perfect for spark and meal replacement shakes on the go.
  • Spinach-A bed of spinach adds easy to prepare vegetables to many of the dishes we will be eating.
  • Almonds-I like to pair almonds and a piece of fruit for an easy on the go snack.
  • Rotel-Tomato and Green Chile that can be used like salsa without all the salt and sugar. I love it with eggs, on a salad and in turkey taco meat.
  • Hummus-A great alternative to veggie dips. Costco often has the individual hummus shown above.
  • Protein Bars-Find one that has similar nutrition facts the meal replacement shake for a quick meal when you need a break from liquid lunch or breakfast.
Don't forget to drink plenty of water. The 24 Day Challenge Guide recommends you drink half of your body weight in oz per day. For me 143lbs/2 = 71.5 oz It may seem like a lot at first but it is crucial to effectively cleanse your body.

Get up and move. The Challenge may be a huge lifestyle change for you. Don't get crazy and try to run a marathon if you haven't been for a run in 5years. Slowly increase your exercise intensity and frequency to avoid injury. The Can You 24 workout videos are great because there are 3 levels of intensity for every move and the best part is they will never take you more than 24 minutes to complete:)

Plan ahead. It is much easier to say no to temptation and stick to the program if you have healthy foods on hand.

“Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”  
~Edward Stanley

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