Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 12 Plan

Day 12:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Shred1

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake
(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Leftover Turkey Burger and Carrots
Made into a whole grain tortilla wrap with pickle, lettuce, pepper and olice oil mayo.
(Turkey Burger from 24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Oatmeal Cookies

Grilled Chicken, Celary sticks and Water Melon
(Made it through a Birthday Party w/out cheating:))

Let us know how Day 12 went for you

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