Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 11 Plan

Day 11:
Welcome to the Max Phase!

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Core Stretch

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake
(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Leftover Turkey Burger and Carrots
Made into a whole grain tortilla wrap with pickle, lettuce, pepper and olice oil mayo.
(Turkey Burger from 24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Celary and Almond Butter

Salad with Canned Chicken and Boiled Egg

Let us know how Day 11 went for you


Details about the Challenge can be found at:
Please let me know if you and questions. I would be happy to help:)

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