Friday, May 31, 2013

24 Day Challenge Results!!

We Made it!!!
Our results seemed mediocre till we had a day off from work and tried to wear normal clothes!
~Will work on getting Phil's photos up too:)

Getting to shop for new clothes is an extra bonus, the real blessing is feeling great and having freedom from our old eating and drinking habits.

Crystal May 6th-30th:
Weight Loss  = 7lbs
Inches Lost = 10"

Since 1st ADVOCARE weigh in 9-30-11
Weight Loss = 28lbs

Phil May 6th-30th:
Weight Loss = 9lbs
Inches Lost = 9.5"

Since 1st ADVOCARE weigh in 11-8-12
Weight Loss = 20lbs

Our lives have changed, yours can too!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 24 Plan

Day 24:

We made it!!

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Sculpt

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake

(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Deviled Eggs and leftover Rosemary Chicken

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible


Went out with friends.....
Caesar Salad and Chicken with Green Beans

Spark and Catalyst
For that last few days I haven't even needed a second Spark, feeling great:)

Snack 2:
Oatmeal Cookies

Celery and Rice crackers with Hummus
(trying to switch back off night shifts so heading to bed early, no big dinner)

Let us know how Day 24went for you.

Ready to start your Challenge?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 23 Plan

Day 23:
Almost to the end of the Challenge....never going back:)

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Core Stretch

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake

(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible


Chopped Chicken Salad with Apples and Walnuts

Spark and Catalyst
For that last few days I haven't even needed a second Spark, feeling great:)

Snack 2:
Oatmeal Cookies

Salmon with Salsa and Black Beans
(Hope I can get a peach for this)
One for me at work, one for Phil at home:)

Let us know how Day 23 went for you.

Ready to start your Challenge?

Day 22 Plan

Day 22:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Melt1

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake

(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible


Salmon Cakes and Carrots
(Skip the Cheese)

Spark and Catalyst
For that last few days I haven't even needed a second Spark, feeling great:)

Snack 2:
Advocare Raw Bar

Walnut and Rose Mary Oven Fried Chicken and Green Salad

Let us know how Day 21 went for you.

Ready to start your Challenge?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 21 Plan

Day 21:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Rest Day

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake

(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Apple and Almond Butter

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible


Chicken and Avocado Salad2 TBSP olive oil
1 TBSP lemon juice
½ tsp dried thyme leaves
¼ tsp mustard
Pinch of garlic powder
½ of a ripe avocado
2 cups chopped chicken (you can use canned, low sodium white meat chicken)
1 stalk celery, chopped
Combine the first 5 ingredients in a salad bowl and whisk together with a fork until emulsified. Slice avocado into small chunks and gently stir into dressing to coat. Stir in chicken and celery into avocado mixture and serve. Enjoy on 1 slice of Whole Wheat Bread, in a Whole Wheat Tortilla, or over a bed of salad greens. (make a wrap with Romaine lettuce)
(Advocare Cookbook)

Spark and Catalyst
For that last few days I haven't even needed a second Spark, feeling great:)

Snack 2:
Advocare Raw Bar

Green Salad and Rotisserie Chicken

Let us know how Day 21 went for you.

Ready to start your Challenge?

Day 18 Plan

Day 18:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Core Stretch

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake
(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Leftover Tortilla Soup and Carrots

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Celary and Almond Butter


Let us know how Day 18 went for you.

Ready to start your Challenge?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 20 Plan

Day 20:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Core Stretch

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake

(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Pear and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible


Turkey Wrap

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:

Avocado Chicken and Green Beans

Let us know how Day 20 went for you.

Ready to start your Challenge?

Day 19 Plan

Day 19:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Shred 1

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Protein Bar

(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Pear and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Green Salad and Rotisserie Chicken
Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Rice Cake and Almond Butter


Let us know how Day 19 went for you.

Ready to start your Challenge?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 17 Plan

Day 17:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Melt1

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake
(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Apple and Almond Butter

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Leftover Tortilla Soup and Carrots

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Boiled Egg and Carrots

Avocado Chicken and Green Beans

Let us know how Day 17 went for you.
Ready to start your Challenge?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 16 Plan

Day 16:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Melt1

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake
(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Tortilla Soup and Carrots

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Celery and Almond Butter

Steak and Green Salad

Let us know how Day 16 went for you.

Ready to start your Challenge?



Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 15 Plan

Day 15:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Melt1

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake
(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Banana and Almond Butter

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Walnut and Rosemary Oven Fried Chicken and Salad

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Sliced Turkey, Olives and Hummus

Turkey Tacos
(24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Let us know how Day 15 went for you.

24 Day Challenge Cookbook

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 14 Plan

Day 14:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Core Stretch

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Protien Bar
(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Taco Salad
(Taco Meat from the 24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Celary and Almond Butter

Salmon over Brown Rice and Aspirugus

Let us know how Day 14 went for you.

24 Day Challenge Cookbook

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 13 Plan

Day 13:

Made it through the halfway point!!

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)


Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake
(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Apple and Boiled Egg

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Leftover Turkey Burger over Green Salad
(Turkey Burger from 24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Cucumber Slices and Hummus

Stuffed Pepper and Carrots for me at work
Turkey Spaghetti for the boys at home
(Peppers and Spaghetti from The 24 Day Cookbook)

24 Day Challenge Cookbook

How did Day 13 go for you?

Day 12 Plan

Day 12:

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Shred1

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake
(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Leftover Turkey Burger and Carrots
Made into a whole grain tortilla wrap with pickle, lettuce, pepper and olice oil mayo.
(Turkey Burger from 24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Oatmeal Cookies

Grilled Chicken, Celary sticks and Water Melon
(Made it through a Birthday Party w/out cheating:))

Let us know how Day 12 went for you

Day 11 Plan

Day 11:
Welcome to the Max Phase!

Spark Catalyst and Breakfast Color Supplement Pack

30 min before Lunch if possible
(We are doing the Max3 program so our color is yellow)

Can you 24: Core Stretch

Both White Supplement Packs - We take these with breakfast but they could be taken with lunch if you prefer.
Meal Replacement Shake
(Phil adds a piece of fruit)

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Color Supplement Pack
30 min before Lunch if possible

Leftover Turkey Burger and Carrots
Made into a whole grain tortilla wrap with pickle, lettuce, pepper and olice oil mayo.
(Turkey Burger from 24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Celary and Almond Butter

Salad with Canned Chicken and Boiled Egg

Let us know how Day 11 went for you


Details about the Challenge can be found at:
Please let me know if you and questions. I would be happy to help:)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 10 Plan

Day 10:
Last Day of The Cleanse Phase!

Spark Catalyst and Probiotic

Can you 24: Sculpt1

Fiber Drink
Eggs Rotel and Avocado

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Left over Quinoa Salad

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Cookies Same as Day 5

Asian Chicken Stir Fry

(24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Details about the Challenge can be found at:
Please let me know if you and questions. I would be happy to help:)

Let us know how Day 10 went for you.

Day 9 Plan

Day 9:

Spark Catalyst and Probiotic

Can you 24: Core Stretch

Fiber Drink
Cookies Same as Day 5

Snack 1:
Boiled Egg and Apple


Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:

Celary and Almond Butter

Turkey Wraps

Meat Prepared With Stuffed Pepper Recipe
(24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Details about the Challenge can be found at:
Please let me know if you and questions. I would be happy to help:)

Let us know how Day 9 went for you.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 8 Plan

Day 8:
One week down!

Spark Catalyst and Probiotic

Can you 24: Melt1

Fiber Drink
Turkey and Bell Pepper Omlett

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds


Zesty Bun-less Burgers1 to 1.5 lbs very lean ground turkey, bison, or beef
1 TBSP very finely minced onion
2 cloves minced garlic
1 cup salsa
Mix the raw ground meat, onion, and garlic in a bowl. Cover and marinade in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Form meat into patties and grill. To serve, top each burger with salsa.
Sweet Potato Fries
4 sweet potatoes, cut into large French fries
1 TBSP water
2 tsp Italian seasoning
½ tsp lemon pepper seasoning
1 pinch salt and pepper to taste
2 tsp coconut oil
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place cut sweet potatoes into a microwave-safe dish with water. Cook in microwave for 5 minutes on full power. Drain off liquid and toss with Italian seasoning, lemon pepper, salt, pepper, and coconut oil. Arrange fries in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes, turning once, or until fries are crispy on the outside
(24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Asian Lettuce Wraps
3-4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, trimmed of fat
5 cloves chopped garlic
1 small onion, finely chopped
¼ cup Liquid Aminos (A safe soy sauce substitute)
¼ cup low sodium chicken broth
½ tsp ground ginger
1 dash allspice (or a dash each of ground cloves, cinnamon, and black pepper)
2 TBSP apple cider vinegar
Optional: 1 small can of crushed pineapple
Bean sprouts and large leafy lettuce for wrapping

Place chicken in a slow cooker. Add onions and garlic. Mix the liquid and spices together and pour over chicken. Cook on low about 4 hours. Shred chicken in slow cooker and serve on lettuce with bean sprouts.
(24 Day Challenge Cookbook)

Details about the Challenge can be found at:
Please let me know if you and questions. I would be happy to help:)

Let us know how Day 8 went for you.

Day 7 Plan

Day 7:
Today marks the end of week 1!! We are getting into a routine:)
3 more days of fiber drink starts tomorrow and you should be out of Herbal Cleanse Caplets.

Spark Catalyst and Probiotic

Can you 24: Core Stretch

Eggs topped with Rotel(tomato and green chili)

Snack 1:
Orange and Almonds

Dr. Oz’s Belly-Blasting New Year’s Soup
1 14.5-oz can of fire-roasted tomatoes with medium chilies
1 15-oz can of chickpeas
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 cups vegetable or chicken broth 
2 tbsp chili powder
1/4 cup lime juice 
1/2 cup chopped cilantro

Puree the tomatoes, chick peas and garlic with the broth and chili powder in a blender (in batches, if necessary) transfer mix to a medium large pot, bring to a boil, lower the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. (If using and an immersion blender, you can process the ingredients directly in the cooking pot).

Before serving, stir in the lime juice and cilantro. Enjoy

Spark and Catalyst

Snack 2:
Leftovers + Baby Carrots
(Meatloaf and Meatballs)


Chicken and Avocado Salad
2 TBSP olive oil
1 TBSP lemon juice
½ tsp dried thyme leaves
¼ tsp mustard
Pinch of garlic powder
½ of a ripe avocado
2 cups chopped chicken (you can use canned, low sodium white meat chicken)
1 stalk celery, chopped
Combine the first 5 ingredients in a salad bowl and whisk together with a fork until emulsified. Slice avocado into small chunks and gently stir into dressing to coat. Stir in chicken and celery into avocado mixture and serve. Enjoy on 1 slice of Whole Wheat Bread, in a Whole Wheat Tortilla, or over a bed of salad greens. (make a wrap with Romaine lettuce)
(Advocare Cookbook)

Details about the Challenge can be found at:
Please let me know if you and questions. I would be happy to help:)

Let us know how Day 7 went for you.
Lunch To Go

Dinner To Go

Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 6 Plan

Day 6:

Spark Catalyst and Probiotic

Rest Day

Meal Replacement Shake + Banana (Phil)
Chocalate with a shot of Almond Butter

Snack 1:
Apple and Boiled Egg
1 Egg for Me 2 Eggs for Phil


Stuffed Red Peppers
2 large red bell peppers, halved lengthwise with seeds and pith removed
1.5 cups chopped tomatoes (~ 3 Roma tomatoes)
¾ cup fresh bruschetta sauce or marinara/spaghetti sauce (No Sugar Added)
Ground turkey 
Preheat oven to 350F. Place pepper halves on baking dish. Mix tomatoes, sauce and ground turkey in 
bowl. Stuff mixture inside pepper halves. Place in oven and bake uncovered for 30-35 minutes.
Variation: Add pine nuts (or add cooked brown rice on refuel day/cleanse)
(Challenge Cookbook)

Spark and Catalyst
(moving this because it works better for me on night shift. Try to take catalyst 30min before meals)

Snack 2:
Celery and Almond butter


Turkey Meatballs and Green Salad with Balsamic Vinegar
We are replacing bread crumbs with oats and going really easy on the oil.

Herbal Cleanse Caplets

Are you following the blog but not on Advocare Products yet? Details about the Challenge can be found at:
Please let me know if you and questions, would be happy to help:)

Let us know how Day 6 went for you.