Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Starting a 24 Day Challenge May 8th

With the help of Advocare products including 2 cleanses in the last year, I have lost 20lbs and several % body fat. This time around Phil and I are doing the whole 24 Day Challenge. We want you to join us! We think that if we form a team it will be easier to stay motivated plus we are excited to share the products we love with our friends and family.

We are starting our Challenge May 8th ending May 31st.
By June 1st we hope to be down a few pounds, be eating healthier and have more energy. Time to scrub out the old guts and start new healthy habits:)

If you would like to join us it's easy!

1) Let me know you are interested so I can help:)

2) Order your 24 Day Challenge
If this is your first time please let me help you, it seems overwhelming at first since there are several options. With a little guidance however, it is super easy.

I am excited to try the entire 24 Day Challenge and intend to document the entire process including meal plans on this blog.

After my own successes with Avocare products I became a distributor in January. My distributorship has given me savings on the products that have become a staple in our home and connected me with a whole family of people to have a wealth of knowledge about health, wellness and Advocare. That being said we will have tons of support on our 24 Day Challenge journey.

1 comment:

  1. ** If you need directions to our house shoot me an e-mail at Spaghetti will be provided so please RSVP:)
