Sunday, April 28, 2013

Before you start your grocery list....

During the Challenge we will be eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Consider going as organic as possible. It's not always ans option so it's important to avoid the bad actors as much as possible.

This is any easy guide to "The Dirty Dozen" that can be printed and taken to the store with you.

I was fortunate enough to attend Jillian Michael's Maximize your life Tour. Something that really stuck out in her talk was the importance of eating organic meat and dairy products. For some reason I had never put it all together...cows and chickens are pumped full of hormones that make them extra large, of course that makes us fat when we eat them.

This is an interesting article on the importance of consuming organic meat.

With this being said. Our chicken for the Challenge will be purchased from Farmer Ben's and our produce will be organic and as local as possible. Luckily stores like Heggen and Costco are stocking more organic options but there are other good options like community co-ops.


“The first wealth is health.”

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