Sunday, April 28, 2013

Before you start your grocery list....

During the Challenge we will be eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Consider going as organic as possible. It's not always ans option so it's important to avoid the bad actors as much as possible.

This is any easy guide to "The Dirty Dozen" that can be printed and taken to the store with you.

I was fortunate enough to attend Jillian Michael's Maximize your life Tour. Something that really stuck out in her talk was the importance of eating organic meat and dairy products. For some reason I had never put it all together...cows and chickens are pumped full of hormones that make them extra large, of course that makes us fat when we eat them.

This is an interesting article on the importance of consuming organic meat.

With this being said. Our chicken for the Challenge will be purchased from Farmer Ben's and our produce will be organic and as local as possible. Luckily stores like Heggen and Costco are stocking more organic options but there are other good options like community co-ops.


“The first wealth is health.”

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Supplement Information

In case you are wondering what exactly is in all these supplements we are about to start taking:)

Herbal Cleanse - The first 10 days. We will also be taking catalyst during this phase.

Max Phase - The 14 days after the cleanse. We will be doing Max3.  MaxC is the second link for those of you who are going that rout.

The products will absolutely work if you help them with good nutrition. Please take a little bit of time before starting to look over the 24 Day Challenge Website. There are lots of helpful tools and guides.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Time to start getting prepared

Time to start getting prepared to do the challenge:)

Start getting into a healthy mind set by learning. Here are a couple interesting things I just came across today:

Is your salad really healthy? This is a great clip on salad toppings that aren't helping your weight loss goals...they may not be what you think.

The food pyramid is old news. You can see what the government is offering to improve your health at this site:

Since you may be making a pretty substantial change to the way you eat take a look at "advo approved" foods ahead of time.

24 Day Challenge Cookbook
(scroll down near the bottom of the page. Under the picture of the 24 Day Challenge products on the left side)
(I will be looking for good meals and ideas as we go)

Results Require Action


Saturday, April 20, 2013

I attended an Advocare Spring Breakthrough meeting today. It was super inspiring to hear stories of people who have goals of everything from making a little extra cash to creating a business that affords families to have two stay at home parents. What ever it is you are looking for whether it be health, wealth or both Advocare is for you!

For anyone who is interested in joining Phil and I on our 24 Day Challenge starting May 8th you can order your challenge package at I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Stay tuned, shopping list, recipes and other helpful hints coming soon:)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Starting a 24 Day Challenge May 8th

With the help of Advocare products including 2 cleanses in the last year, I have lost 20lbs and several % body fat. This time around Phil and I are doing the whole 24 Day Challenge. We want you to join us! We think that if we form a team it will be easier to stay motivated plus we are excited to share the products we love with our friends and family.

We are starting our Challenge May 8th ending May 31st.
By June 1st we hope to be down a few pounds, be eating healthier and have more energy. Time to scrub out the old guts and start new healthy habits:)

If you would like to join us it's easy!

1) Let me know you are interested so I can help:)

2) Order your 24 Day Challenge
If this is your first time please let me help you, it seems overwhelming at first since there are several options. With a little guidance however, it is super easy.

I am excited to try the entire 24 Day Challenge and intend to document the entire process including meal plans on this blog.

After my own successes with Avocare products I became a distributor in January. My distributorship has given me savings on the products that have become a staple in our home and connected me with a whole family of people to have a wealth of knowledge about health, wellness and Advocare. That being said we will have tons of support on our 24 Day Challenge journey.